Thursday, November 14, 2013

Animal Exercises

These are some of the exercises we did before starting our animal-drafts and playing with color. The skribble drawing helped me loosen up and focus on the tones. it helped me to loosen up and not be too worried about the precision of my drawing because when i use a pen i wont use time to erase etc, and will there fore not have that many expectation on the precision part of it. This is a good exercise for the toning because i can add layers  where it is darker, until i get the tone i want. Also when i use a pen i dont have to use time blending out my colors to get an even tone.

The negative space drawing helped me look at all the angels of the outer lines. When i look at the negative space it will helpe me draw the figure more accurately.

Drawing my animal in geometric shapes will help me see this new shape as something i am familiar with. It is also easier to see things compared to one another and to get the proportions of the face right.

Iwas very happy with my blind conture drawing! Amazingly enough my lines connected and the proportions were right. I can promise that i did not look once at my paper, so this is definently the best conture drawing I have ever done. Done conture drawings forces me to look at the outer line of my object and really pay attention to how the line moves. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Three Fruits

Sorry! Managed to delete this post… but here ill repost it ;)
For coloring and shading I used chalk, charcoal and color pencils, one for each fruit. I used three different fruits for this piece: a pineapple, a carrot and a green pepper. I used some time before I started to set them in a position I was pleased with. I tried making the set up a little more exiting by leaning the carrot on the pineapple, with the pepper in front holding it up.
I decided to color the pepper with chalk because I thought it would be an easy and effective way to make the surface “shine” or reflect the light as it does in reality. I used the colored pencils for the carrot, because I knew the orange colors would do well with the green color of the pepper. I also thought about doing the pineapple with colors, but I thought it was too black and white in reality to really make any difference, so I used charcoal for that instead.
I really enjoyed working with the chalk and I would defiantly like to use that technique later for other pieces. I think I have to work some more on layering with the colored pencils and to keep my drawing light using charcoal.

I found it hard to draw all the details in the pineapple with charcoal and the pineapple might have been a little bit too dark, so that was a little challenging, but I am really happy with the way it turned out. 

Baby Tiger Draft

Today in class we drew a draft of our favorite animal, in my case a baby tiger. Our task was to focus on the colors and the texture. For this picture I liked my background idea where I tried to do something that could represent the environment tigers live in, but I should have used more time to color it in and finish of. It is good that I used many colors and was experimental, as this just is for practice, but it was kind of random that the head should be green and blue and then the body orange or realistic. I could have toned the head more and made the brown areas darker to get a more 3D effect.  I liked the eyes and the shine in them but bigger and lower makes cuter ;) I would also like the head to be more zoomed in and not get that much of the body. 

Baby Tiger

New project coming up!! These next weeks we are having a new project in art class. We are painting or drawing our favorite animal faces. Since my favorite animal is the tiger, and I am born in the year of tiger following the Chinese calendar, it was only right that a beautiful baby tiger should be my goal for this assignment. This class we found our animal picture online and started doing some exercises in Art Rage to experiment with different colors and try out different things. These are my best results for Art Rage:

Final Still Art

So after a long process with endless thumbnails, first and second drafts and learning about composition, this is my final product.

I am sad to say that I am not at all happy with my final image. I think my two previous drafts were much better. In this last on I think my sixth figure, the beam of blue across the whole page, was to dark and came to much in focus. I think it actually covered some of the other objects that were meant to be in focus. On this image I put the olive glass in the front instead of the front, but I think the picture was more balanced with it in the back because now I got this big empty space. Also I chose not to color in the clock and leave it white, but I think I should have at least made some reflections in it. It could have been an idea to have for example a quote there. It was hard to use chalk for the olive glass and there were a lot of colors in there that I had difficulties painting. The composition could also be improved I think. I know I wanted to have it “stand” on a surface before I started but I think maybe I should have put some of the objects on the top of the paper, “flying”. One thing that I am happy with is that I used a lot of techniques in this image. I used line variation, toning with both colors and black and white. I also made the clock come more in focus by having a blue shine come from behind it. I wanted to use contrast colors in my image, and I think that worked, but it was a lot of dark colors.

I apologize for the inconvenience that the pictures are wrong way or tilted. Tried for hours to fix it, but couldn’t.. L

Drafts Still Art

We are now in the process of making our still life picture with three of our own objects, and two from the class room. Today we made a draft of our image. I used the time well, and was able to make two I was quite happy with. I like how I have different colors over the whole image and that the colors were fairly light. I liked the way I made the olive glass in line variation. I did this because there were so many colors in the olive glass that I dint think I would have been able to capture well, and therefore ended up with a corny-looking glass.
Very happy with these drafts, hope the final one will be as good! J

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Art Rage


In the previous art class we explored Art Rage. These are some of the images I made. I had my already take picture of my objects as one layer on Art Rage, and then “painted” on top.
I think the app was pretty easy to use. It was quick and u could change the textures and pressure easily. I think it takes some time learning all the tricks and being able to use all of the tools.
My favorite of the three images I made is the one with the nail polish and the clock lying inside the cap. I think it was an interesting twist to the image. If this is the position I am keeping for the final piece, I think it will be a little bit hard to fill up all the space without making it all super big, but I am sure I will figure it out.
The next time I use Art Rage I would like to experiment some more with the different tools and their effects.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Multiple Compositions

In class today we worked some more with our thumbnails and how to use different electronic tools on the app ArtRaige. We used our already made thumbnails for guidance on the composition of our objects. We set our 3 different objects in various positions and took pictures of them with the schools iPads. We added layers and made color settings etc. on the app ArtRaige, which allows you to use many different techniques and settings for your work. It was fun playing with different tools on the iPad, but I am not sure how much I personally learned from it.

These pictures were some of my favorites, looking at the composition and effects. One the first one i really liked how when you see the cap from the front, you can kind of see under it or inside it. I think that is an element that made the picture more interesting to look at. If i use the number one as my sketch I think I would consider to see it from event farther down. I think the picture number two was fun and playful, with the clock balanced on the hem of the cap. I also really like when one object is in extreme close up, as I said in the previous blog post about the five thumbnails. I think I will be using one of these as my sketch for the final piece.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


in class we learned about different and exiting ways to compose your ojects in a still life drawing or painting. we drew thumbnails to see a variety of ways to place our objects. the homework was to look at five other artists' work, write down which way the presented their object or objects, and then try to get inspriation for how to do it with our own objects.
i think the drawing With the shoe was really helpful and make an interesting twist to the drawing. i also like the though about bringing in a pattern as a layer on top of your object.
i dont think this is an exercise i will be using a lot on my own in the future, but im sure it gave me some ideas as to what would be interesting to look at, and how to composment of your drawing can matter.